
What is it?

Tolerance of Ambiguity is a common and critical component of measures used in executive selection, development, and succession contexts (Lewis & Ream, 2012). Although the strength of association may be moderated by the nature of job roles and contexts, high Tolerance of Ambiguity among executives has been almost unilaterally associated with positive individual- and company-level outcomes (Yukl & Mashud,2010).

We live in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), and as leaders it is more difficult to “know” and “know what to do”. Our ability to manage our relationship to ambiguity helps keep us calm and grounded.  

How might you develop it?

First I suggest exploring the nature of it; where does ambiguity exist, where can you accept it, where can you not and why? We might try several approaches

  1. Embracing it: to learn, and to develop a culture that is able to operate faced with ambiguities

  2. Understand it: what effects is it having people and how is it impacting the business?

  3. Explore it: and use insights to increase clarity

  4. Communicate to demonstrate that ambiguity is a factor; and how it affects the business

  5. Cope with it: explore ways to cope and support each other in dealing with it